Schedule and Budget
Bridge Project Schedule

Table 1
Bridge Project Summary
The schedule pictured above covers the general planning process for the design, construction, and testing of the balsa wood bridge. This schedule starts with the report writing portion, which is split into eleven tasks. Of these tasks, the intro, analyses, budget, schedule and drawings would be completed before the construction of the device. Because of this, their tasks are scheduled to be finished earlier.
Below the report writing section is the analysis section. This is the section where the completion of the bridge analyses are documented. There are twelve analyses, each serving a purpose in the designing process. These are scheduled to be finished by 11/13/23, in order to have them finished prior to the construction of the bridge.
The documentation section covers the drawings and parts designed using engineering software. The three seen examples are the tower sheave, top truss beam, and the bottom truss beam. These are the parts that have already been designed for the bridge. Over time, this portion of the schedule will expand and acquire more tasks.
The sections part construction and device construction are similar in nature, with the part construction pertaining to the construction of the members within the bridge, while device construction pertains to the building of the bridge assembly.
Following the construction of the bridge, the testing and deliverables sections follow the process of wrapping up the project, by testing the bridges success, as well as creating a presentation and finalizing the website created for the bridge project.
The final section, below deliverables is a section specific for progress reports, which aid the engineer in staying on schedule.
Bridge Parts List

Table 2
Bridge Parts Summary
Pictured above is the table denoting the parts that were created to construct the balsa wood bridge. This table shows the quantity of each part, as well as some information regarding its construction. The third column denotes the dimensions of the part being classified, as well as a descriptive title for the part. The source column shows where the stock wood that the part was created from was purchased. Many of the parts were created from balsa wood sticks bought in bulk from The cost column shows the adjusted price of each part based on how much wood was used to create the part as well as how many of the part were created. For example, Although parts 20-001 and 20-006 have the same quantity, the dimensions differ from each other. Since 20-001 is bigger, it took two sticks to create, whereas 20-006 could be created using just one stick, and thus, the cost of 20-006 was half the cost of 20-001. Parts 20-013 and 20-014 were created using 3d-Printing at CWU, so the cost was free. The pars with a 50 part number were hardware purchased from Ace Hardware, and the 55 parts were purchased online specially for the articulation system design.
Bridge Budget

Table 3
Bridge Budget Summary
Table 3 above shows the cost of creating the bridge. This included the cost of the different wood cuts seen in the first 3 rows, the 3d-Printing plastic, hardware, and the motor that will "draw" the bridge. The middle column describes what the part is, and the expected cost columns shows an estimated price after shipping costs. The total spent column shows how much of the budget has been consumed from purchasing the parts listed. Due to the wood taking up a majority of the parts, it had to be purchased first, and the other parts could be purchased later. The later purchased parts include the electronics such as the motor, jumper wires, bread board, buttons, battery, and Arduino Uno. These were installed after the bridge was fully constructed. The current budget shows that $114.50 has been consumed this far, and that the expected cost was initially $170.00.